

Science at Anderton follows our Principles:

Science is good at Anderton…

  • When children are discovering, exploring and making choices
  • When children ask and answer their own questions
  • When children are working like scientists to plan and record in a variety of ways, for different types of investigations
  • When children explain their thoughts using scientific vocabulary to show their understanding
  • When children work collaboratively and share ideas
  • When it has links to real-life and includes real-life experiences
  • When it is fun

We follow our school curriculum for science and there are added opportunities to learn outside the classroom included in every half term. In addition, we have visits and visitors to offer children a variety of scientific experiences throughout their time with us.

Please use your child’s year group page to find out more detail of what they are learning in Science.

If you have any questions about the Science Curriculum, please contact Mrs Culshaw via dojo or the school office.


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