Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Dervish
Welcome to our Year 4 web page!
Here you can explore our wonderful curriculum and get the latest updates and information!
In Year 4, the class teacher is MIss Dervish and the teaching assistants are Miss Carroll, Miss Haddon, Mrs Wignall and Mrs Nolan.
Here you can get the latest updates and information, find out about what the children will be learning and see some amazing learning that has taken place!
Year 4’s Useful Information
- PE is on Thursday and Friday during Spring 2.
- Homework is assigned on a Friday and due the following Thursday.
- Please encourgae your children to access TT Rockstars regulary.
- Home reading is encouraged for at least twenty minutes daily.
- Celebration Assemblies will take place on Friday mornings.
The Theme for this term is 'We Create'
Our school value for Spring is ‘Appreciate’ and our British Value's are 'Rule of Law and Individual Liberty’.
Year 4’s Useful Links * *
If you have any questions, please contact the class teacher, Miss Dervish