British Values
We actively promote British Values through RE, PSHE, Citizenship and Assemblies.
Our Class MP’s discuss school related issues and make suggestions in class. These suggestions are then taken to the School Parliment which has 2 members from each class from Year 2 to 6.
Every year we hold mock elections where the pupils vote for Class MP’s from Year 2 to 6. These children then form the School Parliment.
Year 5 act as ‘Playground Pals’ and they organise games and activities for the infant children at lunch times. The Playground Pals have had formal training from Chorley School Sports Partnership.
The Rule of Law
Through citizenship lessons we teach the children about responsibility and criminal responsibility. We teach our children how to act responsibly in society towards all people of different faiths, religions and cultural backgrounds. We expect the children to abide by school rules and to always act with the utmost respect to everyone. Every July we present the Dean Thompson Memorial Shield for Respect. This is awarded to a Year 6 child who has shown the utmost respect to everyone from Reception class through to Year 6.
Individual Liberty
We actively encourage children to make safe choices and we place great importance on E-safety. We encourage all children to sign up for extra curricular clubs.
Mutual Respect
We have a strong school ethos based on good behaviour and respectful attitudes. All adults in school whatever their role challenge children about behaviour and attitudes and always praise and reward good behaviour. When children are wearing the Anderton School uniform they are representing our school-we expect children to act responsibly at all times, even when outside of school.
Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Through RE lessons and assemblies we enhance the children’s understanding of their place in a culturally rich and diverse society. We visit Religious centres and places of worship. We encourage visitors to school to lead assembly or teach lessons about different faiths. It is vital that children understand about their own community and beyond.