At Anderton Primary School, we ensure PSHE encompasses all areas designed to promote children’s personal, social, health and economic development. It gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to stay healthy and safe, develop worthwhile relationships, respect differences, develop independence and responsibility, and make the most of their own abilities and those of others. Additionally, children will come to appreciate difference and diversity, learning to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse, multicultural society.
Anderton Primary School uses the Lancashire-recommended PSHE Association Programme of Study, which is progressive and tailored to the age, physical and emotional maturity of the children. We aim to cover the following core themes:
Core Theme 1: Health and wellbeing
Core Theme 2: Relationships
Core Theme 3: Living in the wider world – economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen

The school delivers PSHE Education through focussed lessons, through cross-curricular work (in particular Science, Geography, RE and English), SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) materials, whole-school themes (for example Anti-bullying week) or in response to a specific identified need within the class during PSHE lessons. In addition, opportunities for PSHE will be developed through circle time, school assemblies, visitors to school and displays. Children are also given the opportunity to participate in a range of practical activities that promote active citizenship (e.g. charity fundraising, visiting a local retirement Home, performing class assemblies).
We additionally use the 1 Decision scheme of work alongside the above themes. 1 Decision: Keeping Safe, Relationships, Being Responisble, Feelings and Emotions, Computer Safety, Money Matters, Growing and Changing, A World Without Judgement and The Working World, is centred on a values-based and ‘Growth Mindset’ approach. The scheme supports primary schools in promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement.

Here at Anderton Primary, our intention is to equip each individual child, both in and outside the classroom, with the knowledge and experience they require to ensure healthy, happy skills and attitudes, helping them grow as responsible, productive citizens.

Our creative curriculum provides for the spiritual, moral, social and cultural learning of our children, alongside the extra-curricular activities.
Our SMSC priorities for 2022/23
• Promote cultural diversity by inviting visitors from other cultures and religions into school.
• Promoting links with local churches and groups.
• Providing parents, staff and children with questionnaires, allowing everyone to have a voice.
• Teaching religious education in school every week.
• Raising and discussing issues during school council meetings and assemblies.
• Promoting links with people who help us locally; firefighters, police, doctors, nurses.
• Promoting British Values throughout school.
• Utilizing our learning ambassadors (school council) with monitoring behaviour and supporting welfare with new activities.

If you have any queries regarding PSHE, please contact Miss Dervish, the subject leader.

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