Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Norton-Smith

In Year 3, the class teacher, Miss Dervish will teach everyday except from Thursday mornings when Mrs Laithwaite will be teaching and Wednesday afternoons when Mrs Stanley will be teaching. The teaching assistants are Mrs Wignall, Miss Haddon and Miss Duddle


We would all like to welcome you to Year 3 and we are certain you will have a fantastic year, as juniors, building on the knowledge and skills you have learned in KS1.

Our class page will keep you up to date with important information that you need to know and celebrate the good work taking place in class.

Important dates for your diary:

PE will take place on Thursdays and Fridays in school during the Summer term. The children need to attend school in their school uniform and bring their PE kit with them on the correct days.

Homework must be returned to school on Thursday and will be sent home again on Friday.

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday morning and new spellings will be sent home in their reading records. All spellings will also be accessed via Ed Shed. Each child has their own login in their reading record. They can login and play the games.

Celebration assembly takes place on a Friday where we will award our Star of the Week, VIP and team awards. A text will be sent home if your child has been chosen.

Reading is a vital part of your child’s development therefore children are asked to read at least 3 times a week. This can be their school reading book or one from home. All we ask is it is written in their reading record, which needs to be returned to school every day. We also like to walk to Adlington library to choose our own books so if you haven’t already done so, please could you register your child at the library.

The theme for Summer is ‘We Innovate’.







Our school value for Summer is ‘Persevere’ and our British Value is ‘Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs’.


The Year 3 yearly overview and this half terms theme overview can be found in the folder below.


Please keep checking our page to see updates of our super work in Year 3!

If you have any questions about Year 3, please contact Miss Dervish, class teacher.

Files to Download

Year 3: News items

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Year 3: Blog items

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Year 3: Gallery items

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Year 3: Calendar items

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