Complaints Procedure

We hope that you and your children will be very happy at Anderton Primary School. However, if you do have a concern, this is the school’s complaints procedure.

Step 1

Discuss the matter with the class teacher.

Step 2

If the issue hasn’t been resolved to your satisfaction, make an appointment to speak to the Head Teacher Mrs Rachel Norton-Smith

Step 3

If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction then you can write to the Chair of Governors. Please mark your letter Private and Confidential. The school will forward your letter directly to our Chair of Governors, Mr Mark Frost.

We hope to resolve any issues as quickly as we can and aim to reassure you and your child throughout the process that we are doing our best to alleviate your concerns.

The link to our complaints policy is below:

Files to Download

Primary School

Babylon Lane, Adlington,PR6 9NN

Mrs P. PowellBursar

(01257) 480551

Mrs R Norton-SmithHeadteacher

Mrs K LaithwaiteSENDCO