Art and Design


At Anderton Primary School Art and Design is given a high priority in our curriculum as our children understand the importance of having a creative mind and requested increased opportunities to learn new creative skills throughout school.

The children are given the opportunity to explore and develop their practical and creative thinking skills using a variety of media and techniques. Each year the children will have the opportunity to learn about the techniques of known artists, architects and designers in depth and gain the knowledge of their working methods, as well as exploring art and pattern throughout different cultures around the world.

At Anderton we are excited to share our masterpieces with our parents, friends and local community. We enjoyed a visit from a local artist Tony Kerrins, who taught the children how to paint local landmarks which were similar to his own paintings. We have also run a very successful mosaic club, to design new pieces of art work to promote our school motto ‘We explore, we create, we innovate.’ Please see our art gallery below for some of our master pieces!



We ran a very successful ‘Artist Club’ where we focused on one famous artist each week and painted in their style.



If you have any questions regarding the Art and Design Curriculum at Anderton, please contact Mrs Laithwaite, the subject leader.


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