Core Values and Ethos

Anderton Primary School actively promotes the social, moral, spiritual and cultural development of all our children. Our three school values are celebrated in turn every term. These school values are promoted and embedded into our curriculum alongside British Values and further promoted in whole school and class assemblies.

Each term, children who have demonstrated the current term’s value particularly well are recognised with the “Values Inspired Person” award (VIP Award) in Friday’s celebration assembly.  We also celebrate those children who have achieved the ‘team award’ for demonstrating their ability to explore, create and innovate! Parents whose children have been given awards are notified a week in advance, enabling them to attend the assembly and share in their child’s success.

Our School Values

Autumn  – Respect

Spring  – Appreciate

Summer  – Persevere


Aims and Philosophy

“We explore, we create, we innovate.”

Our aims are:

  • To aim high in all areas of school life
  • To provide a curriculum which inspires a love of learning
  • To treat ourselves and others with kindness and respect
  • To celebrate the individual
  • To challenge and encourage independent thinking
  • To have a strong relationship between home, school and the wider community.

We aim to provide an ethos in school where everyone feels safe both physically and emotionally. All children have the right to be protected and are made aware of the need to be safe in the use of all technologies particularly with regard to social media. Children are made aware of safe internet practice through assemblies, computing lessons and PSHE. All lessons are age appropriate.