School Uniform

For extra convenience for parents,  the uniform is now available online from our usual suppliers.  Please order  your jumpers and cardigans containing the school logo online at Touchline Embroidery

Contact Mrs Powell in the school office on 01257 480551 with any questions.

Winter Uniform

White Polo Shirt
Grey skirt
Grey trousers
Grey pinafore
Grey shorts
Red cardigan/pullover/sweatshirt  – Compulsory (with/ without logo)
Black sensible shoes - no boots

Warmer Weather

As above plus:

Red gingham checked dress (with/without logo)

Other Items

School book bag / small rucksack
Red Fleece (with/without logo)
School baseball cap

For P.E.

Black shorts
Red T-shirt (with/without logo)
Black trainers.

Winter P.E kit bag 

Black jogging bottoms or leggings.
Red T-shirt (with or without logo)

Red hoody (with or without logo)
Black trainers

Long hair must be tied back and only red, black or white bobbles and hairbands/ clips to be 

Short hair cuts must be sensible, with no lines/ markings shaved.

If your child is wearing earrings, they must be able to remove these by themselves, and not 
worn for PE. Your child will not be allowed to participate in PE wearing earrings.

Children should not come to school with nail polish or jewellery.